TIS Foundation focuses on helping unemployed, underemployed and formerly incarcerated individuals enter or re-enter the workplace by providing skills training to increase their potential to obtain and stay in a good-paying job or help them start or grow a micro business. Our workforce development program targets the healthcare, hospitality, childcare, information technology (IT), construction and facilities management industries. We offer soft skills training, skills certifications, and training in small business development.
TIS Foundation’s soft skills training Improves employment prospects, transforms performance in the workplace, and gives underemployed workers a competitive advantage for career advancement.
The comprehensive training addresses critical skills and knowledge areas that hard to employ individuals need to master in order to successfully obtain and maintain employment and advance in the workplace. The training areas focus on the skills most desired by employers nationally, which include:
- Leadership Skills
- Teamwork
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving Skills
- Work Ethic
- Flexibility/Adaptability
- Interpersonal Skills
- Resume Writing

Micro Business Development
Research indicates that low-income entrepreneurs, particularly minority entrepreneurs, are more likely than not to establish businesses in their communities and hire directly from their neighborhoods. communities. TIS Foundation’s Micro Business Development Program supports and trains low-income individuals starting local micro businesses with particular focus is given to businesses that impact an economically disadvantaged neighborhood. The goal is to lift the entire community through strategic business development that can boost neighborhood employment and socio-economic outcomes.
The TIS Foundation’s Micro Business Development Program creates a pathway to entrepreneurship for low-income individuals. The program provides:
- Start-up grants for eligible businesses
- Coaching in incorporating a business, creating a business plan, marketing, financial management, and obtaining certifications for preferred procurement and contracting opportunities
- Access to subcontracting opportunities with local businesses