TIS Foundation believes in serving the whole community and in addressing the service gaps that impact positive engagement and advancement for low-wealth families. Through our Community Outreach Drives we are responding to COVID-19 emergency needs and providing families with the resources they need to live safe and productive lives. Each year, TIS Foundation reaches over 1,000 families providing food, toys, gifts and educational supplies through its Community Outreach Drives. TIS Foundation is establishing a network of distribution and training centers in local churches through its community and faith-based coalition to provide essential services:

Annual Thanksgiving Community Outreach Celebration & Turkey Giveaway
Each year, TIS Foundation provides a warm Thanksgiving meal and fresh turkeys to hundreds of low-income households in Washington, DC. During the event, TIS Foundation gathers, District public officials, the faith community and local leaders to address critical issues affecting their neighborhoods and families.

Annual "TIS The Season" Toy Drive & Giveaway
Each December TIS Foundation collects and distributes over 500 toys and gifts for children and youth in high-poverty communities in Washington, DC at its festive holiday event. Our goal is to support parents by helping to ensure these youth can experience the holiday season with joy. Our past partner communities include the Carver Terrace neighborhood in Ward 5 and Congress Heights neighborhood in Ward 8.

Annual Back-To-School Drive
A child’s ability to and interest in learning should not be hindered by their economic status. TIS Foundation supports an Annual Back-to-School Drive each year to help remove barriers to academic achievement for youth in low-wealth communities. Our donations of educational supplies and backpacks help to ensure students have the tools to be successful in school.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Community Celebration
TIS Foundation partners with Prince George’s County to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. on his birthday by bringing the community together with key leaders to reflect on our progress and distribute food and other items to families in need.

Youth Mental Health Awareness Program
In recognition of the many contributing factors to declining mental health among youth in low-wealth communities, TIS Foundation decided to take action. We established a partnership with District of Columbia Public Schools to increase awareness of the importance self-care and healthy behaviors and the effects of trauma. The program is delivered in middle and high schools around the District and lead by TIS Foundation’s Ambassador for Mental Health, Andromeda Peters, who is a licensed clinical therapist and Miss United States 2018.